The Tools you Need to Reclaim Space and Time for YOU

Welcome to Wellness through Counselling and Retreats

Prioritise Yourself

Are the Pressures of balancing work, family and life negativity impacting your health?

Does this sound familar? / How many of these do you recognise?

  • You’re feeling exhausted and burned out
  • There is no time for you in your day, week, month.. year…
  • You have a neverending to do list
  • You’re feeling overwhelmed and anxious
  • You’re desperate to have some fun but can’t find it
  • You’re tired and wired
  • You’re feeling resentful.
  • You’re highly critical of yourself

If you crash and burn, who’s going to keep the balls in the air?

We all know, life gets more complicated when you’re burned out

At Welcome to wellness we know that you want to avoid (or recover from) burnout and renew your joy and health.
In order to do that, you need the tools and strategies to be able prioritise yourself without guilt .

The problem is the pressure of too many responsibilities means there is no time for you. This makes you feel exhausted and overwhelmed.

I believe you deserve to receive the nurturing and care you give to others. I understand what exhaustion feels like. I was stuck there too, but I found my mojo again.

Which is why I use counseling skills to support others on their journey from heaviness to clarity and better health.

Here’s how I do it:

    1. I will teach you how to calm your nervous system
    2. Show you how to tap into holistic healing techniques
    3. and create a plan with you to use these tools to transform your life.

So, book a free consultation with me, and in the meantime, complete the Burnout Quiz so you can better understand your level of burnout and take action.

Imagine if you woke up and felt excited about the day ahead.

Working with me means…

  • You learnt how to hold boundaries
  • Your wellbeing and time is protected
  • You can prioritise yourself
  • There’s no guilt
  • You can calm your nervous system
  • You feel supported
  • You have better relationships with others
  • You have a better relationship with yourself

Are you ready for change?


Book A Free Consult

In 15 minutes, I will listen to you and help you discover whether my tried and tested tools and strategies are right for you.


Book your first Appointment or experience with Mandy

I will support you to learn a range of practical strategies and tools to help you manage stress and learn how to create boundaries that protect your time, health and wellbeing.


Feel Joyful, Renewed and Healthy

Use the tools and strategies you’ve learnt with me to support you to manage the pressure of responsibility, drop the guilt and make time to tend to your own wellbeing.

Meet Mandy

I know what exhaustion feels like. Nothings fun, you’ve got no motivation and everything’s a chore. I was stuck here too, surrounded by teenage children, elderly parents, family issues, work and everyone else’s needs but my own. The resentment began to set in. My physical health deteriorated, and I lost my mojo. The good news is. I found a way out. I reclaimed my mojo, my health and my flow. I am back to my playful, joyful, healthy self.

I’ve been a counsellor for nearly two decades and i have supported hundreds of people on the journey from heaviness and exhaustion to clarity and lightness. My Masters in counselling, Batchelor of education and my experience as chairperson of InterPlay Australia has given me a raft of tools and techniques that I can’t wait to share with you. Let’s
move you from burnout to renewal, vitality and balance.

Don’t just take my word for it!

Member of the Australian Counselling Association

Sophie Guy
Sophie Guy
10 October 2023
I love the way Mandy expertly weaves together a variety of elements infused with her wisdom and unique self-expression. Inviting play through fun activities was so appreciated too. I agree it’s a missing element to lots of spiritual workshops. It was truly a retreat experience without traveling far from home - I felt able to step out of my habitual self, reflect, receive nourishment, and remember what’s important.
Sandra Chambers
Sandra Chambers
15 May 2023
Mandy is wonderful, kind, and understanding. Recently attended a Wellness retreat, did not know what to expect, but the outcomes were amazing, yoga, meditation, relaxing, lots of laughing with wonderful ladies. Highly recommend to explore her retreats.
Emmanuelle Barone
Emmanuelle Barone
13 May 2023
It was exactly what I needed! These two days were a gentle cocoon of safety, nurturing, sisterhood, fun and letting go. I highly recommend it for any woman at any time of your life :-) Take the time for YOU and let Mandy take you on the journey back to yourself.. :-)
Elisabeth Bjelland
Elisabeth Bjelland
16 March 2023
I love Mandy's retreats! Nice vibe with a sense of humour. Will definitely come back!
Marlene Cole
Marlene Cole
2 March 2023
Who thought that taking 'one day' out of my 'busyness' would make such a difference?! The amount of activities and amazing food fitted into a day never felt rushed... and gave me the peace and relaxation I was not just looking for, but needed! Thank you Mandy
Samantha Hirniak
Samantha Hirniak
19 February 2023
Having attended many retreats, Mandy is by far one of the best facilitators. A necessity in my fast past world, I leave these retreats with the reset button hit. Grounded, focused and intune are just some feelings after attendance. Highly recommended to many friends and collegues, all of us cannot thank Mandy enough. ????
Jess P
Jess P
30 September 2022
welcoming and encouraging. Highly recommend.
Jill Gearey
Jill Gearey
16 September 2022
Mandy facilitated a wonderful weekend of self reflection and appreciation through various workshops and activities. My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The food, venue and people were all perfect. I would highly recommend it for anyone who wishes to take some special time out for themselves.

I have worked with Mandy in both her group programs and individually. She is a wonderful and committed coach and my regular check in’s with her are always valuable in supporting me to keep on track with nurturing my own wellbeing while being a busy Mum of two young children.


It is unbelievable what can fit into a one-day retreat – Since attending Mandy’s first retreat back in 2016, I’ve made my own self-care a priority. The most important gift I have gained from Mandy’s is… no more being too busy… this is truly a day to give to me – I deserve it!


It’s been a privilege to be involved in Mandy’s retreats over the last few years, and to see how much they have helped and empowered the participants. I have also gained personal insight which has had a lasting impact on my own well being.


Complete our Free Wellness Quiz

Answer some simple questions to get a better idea of where your are at right now and what you might need next as you step towards a life of joy, fulfillment and health